• A Little More About Me!


    My career was firmly based in the financial corporate world. I spent many years working offshore in financial compliance. In 2004, I moved onshore settled in the southwest and became a freelance compliance consultant. At the beginning of the financial crash in 2008, feeling burnt out, tired and battle worn, I decided I needed a career break and to find something more fulfilling. I knew where my heart lie, as I had always had a ‘wellbeing’ hustle on the side.


    Whilst working offshore, a friend and I qualified as Personal Trainers and Exercise to Music Teachers, so after work and during the weekends we would be training clients and helping them to achieve their fitness goals. Once I moved back on shore and settled in the southwest, I decided that I wanted to add hypnotherapy to my ‘wellbeing’ coaching skills. So along with my compliance consulting work, I also ran a busy hypnotherapy practice, and volunteered as an Appropriate Adult in my local area.


    Then, due to personal reason, I had to give up my life in the idyllic countryside of the southwest and I moved to London. There I worked for a well-known Data Compliance Association, as a Data Compliance Specialist, whilst still running my side hustle.


    Fast forward to 2020 and COVID! Due to the pandemic, I was furloughed and this gave me the head space and time to really think about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Was I happy grinding as a compliance consultant? Is that what I wanted to do with the rest of my life? I knew that the answer to these questions was a big fat ‘NO’. Therefore, by the time I was taken off furlough, I had already set and defined my goals and created a plan to help me achieve my desired outcome; this was to leave the safety of PAYE and go it alone as a Life Coach & Image Consultant. It was a big leap of faith, but I do not regret it for a second. The joy of seeing my clients self-esteem and confidence grow, empowering them to achieve their desired goals, by far outweighs the tough times and the setback I worked through, whilst building my business. It has all been worth it and I would do it all again in a heartbeat!



    Amma Mae BSc (Hons) Psychology